
Expanding a Virtual...
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Expanding a Virtual Disk in VMware ESX Server - Expanding c: drive space under VMware ESX - C drive is out of space on a VM - Howto clone a virtual machine with resizing the disk

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Gönderiler: 2458
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Your C drive is out of space on a VM.
• Here are the steps to take:
– Power it off
– Backup the vmdk
– Use vmkfstools -X 20G my.vmdk to expand
– Use a second VM and add the C drive to it
– Boot second VM and run diskpart.exe
– Select the volume and run expand
– Verify with disk management
– Shutdown 2nd VM and power on the original VM
– Verify all was successful
– If so, perform another backup


  • Shut down the VM
  • Expand the virtual disk
    • Log into the ESX server via ssh
    • Navigate to the guest’s storage location (ex: /vmfs/volumes/cx300/guest)
    • Use the vmkfstools command to expand the disk. For example:
  • vmkfstools -X 8g guest.vmdk
  • Boot from the gparted LiveCD
    • Download the .iso to your desktop
    • Mount it on the virtual CD-ROM device
    • Select CD-ROM from boot menu
    • Select Xvesa from the boot options menu -> done
    • Select defaults from the remainder of the options
  • Extend the partition
    • Use the gparted GUI to resize the ext3 partition
  • Reboot into Linux


You could try the following from the command line:
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation>vmware-vdiskma

nager.exe -r <sou
rcedisk.vmdk> -t 1 -s <20Gb> <newdisk.vmdk>

will copy <sourcedisk.vmdk> to <newdisk.vmdk> of the size
you specify in <> i.e. 20Gb and it will be of the type -
growable, pre-allocated in 2Gb files (you can use -t 0, but I prefer -t
1 as I can then access my VM's over the network).

Once the copy is complete, you should be able to add the newdisk and remove the sourcedisk

Well, there's probably a much better way of doing this, but it'll get the job done . . .

Add yourself a secondary disc of the size you want to the VM's configuration.
Add the cloned VHD to the VM configuration as well.  It should look something like this:
IDE 0:0 -- Original VHD
IDE 0:1 -- Cloned VHD
IDE 1:0 -- Virtual CD-ROM
IDE 1:1 -- New VHD of the size you want.

With those settings, fire up the VM and go to to Disk Manager.

Partition and format the new drive.  Assign it whatever drive letter you want.  It doesn't matter.

RIGHT-click on the new volume and hit "Mark Active".  This will make it bootable.

Once that's done, open up the cloned
drive.  Simply select everything on the drive (make sure you are
showing hidden/system files) and copy/paste it to the new volume.  Make
sure you are copying from the cloned volume, not the boot volume since Windows has many of the files locked.

Shut down the system and reconfigure your VM.  Remove the original and cloned volumes from the config, leaving only the new volume as IDE 0:0.

I know -- it's pain in the arse, but it has worked for me in the past.



Gönderildi : 16/09/2008 19:26

Gönderiler: 3204
Illustrious Member Yönetici

Burdan çıkarılacak sonuç vmwarede disk hesaplamalarını çok dikkatli yapmalıyız.

Gönderildi : 16/09/2008 20:39

Gönderiler: 1339
Noble Member

Resize işlemin den çile çeken birisi olarak bir yöntem daha önereyim,

Acronis trial kurup sistemlerinizin imageını alıp(full image) var olan sanal sisteminizi silip yeni virtual sistem oluşturun acronis bootable iso su ile açın ve imageınızı yeniden içeri recover edin bu işlem esnasında diskin boyutunu ayarlayabiliyorsunuz.Hem vmware resize işleminden daha hızlı hemde daha garanti bir metod.Ancak böyle kurtulabildim bu işten.Denenmiştir.

Gönderildi : 27/07/2010 16:42

Gönderiler: 2458
Famed Member
Konu başlatıcı

Resize işlemin den çile çeken birisi olarak bir yöntem daha önereyim,

Acronis trial kurup sistemlerinizin imageını alıp(full image) var olan sanal sisteminizi silip yeni virtual sistem oluşturun acronis bootable iso su ile açın ve imageınızı yeniden içeri recover edin bu işlem esnasında diskin boyutunu ayarlayabiliyorsunuz.Hem vmware resize işleminden daha hızlı hemde daha garanti bir metod.Ancak böyle kurtulabildim bu işten.Denenmiştir.

Paylaşım için teşekkürler.

Gönderildi : 31/07/2010 00:18

Gönderiler: 4
Active Member


 VMware'da birkaç gündür Kaspersky server'ı açmaya
çalışırken "no space left on device" hatası alıyordum. bugün de
datastore browser'ın içinden içinde eski tarihli .vmdk uzantılı bir
dosya silip tekrar açmaya calıştım (yer açılsın diye), bu sefer de aşağıdaki hatayı aldım.
bu konuda yardımlarınıza ihtiyacım var.

Reason: The system cannot find the file specified.
open the disk
or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.
VMware ESX cannot find the virtual disk "Kaspersky-000001.vmdk". Verify the path is valid and try again.


Gönderildi : 15/05/2012 13:06
